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Annie Akasati McAuley
Jan 33 min read
Weathering the Storm
Was my body showing me how to grieve? I'd signed up for my regular New Year (online) retreat months ago. The natural pause between...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Dec 1, 20245 min read
Beyond Lil' Ole Me
The separation of death is not as absolute as it might seem A huge flock of gulls rose up from down the hill, mesmerising as they wheeled...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Nov 1, 20243 min read
Not Being a Victim
She made a decision which would alter the course of her life from that point. She saw how easy it would be to spiral into anger and...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Oct 4, 20242 min read
The Radical Nature of Contentment
I have never seen a billboard that says: You have enough. You do enough. You are enough. Online advertisers seem to know that I am...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Sep 1, 20243 min read
Goodies. And Baddies.
This does not tend to feature in the marketing of mindfulness! I was so cross when I received that email! It was the latest salvo in a...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Aug 10, 20244 min read
An unexpected Gift
Shame is an uncomfortable, unwanted, emotion. But is it always a bad thing? I arrived early in the meditation room, looking for a place...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Jul 14, 20244 min read
Is there a right kind of attention?
Ellie (as I'll call her here) arrived at our school with a fearsome reputation. I was warned: “Watch out! She’ll go for your eyes!”...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Jun 16, 20243 min read
Grace: the art of receiving love
I have tried a few times to express appreciation to my friend. He has a big heart and he’s also a capable, practical man. But he shies...

Annie Akasati McAuley
May 5, 20243 min read
On being non-judgmental
There is a well-known definition of mindfulness by Jon Kabat-Zinn: Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Apr 6, 20243 min read
*Not* pursuing pleasure
When I say I’ve recently come home from a week in Spain, a typical response is, ‘Nice, I hope you had a lovely holiday!’. Well, it wasn’t...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Mar 9, 20243 min read
PreCrastination: what is it and what’s the problem?
It’s the weekend and I’m taking the day off work to relax. It’s not easy! From force of habit, I click onto my inbox and spot a message...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Feb 5, 20244 min read
Confidence, Certainty, Vulnerability
Can we be confident without being certain? Life is unpredictable, which leaves us feeling vulnerable. We could even say, with certainty,...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Jan 21, 20243 min read
How to Face Discomfort – and why it matters
It is a little-mentioned fact that mindfulness requires bravery. It takes courage to face our less appealing aspects. The feelings that...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Dec 9, 20234 min read
Goals, Intentions, Acceptance
When we focus on where we would like to be, anything short of that can seem unsatisfactory. Being over-focused on the future, we may lose...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Nov 12, 20234 min read
A Big Fat 'Yes'
As we strolled through the woods, our conversation took a turn that gave me a jolt. My friend Hannah and I had both been noting a...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Oct 14, 20236 min read
Does Compassion Fatigue You?
Yesterday, three-year-old Tara cried for five hours straight. The earache was painful for her but also for her parents, for whom her pain...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Sep 16, 20234 min read
Who do I think I am?
This is not how I want to see myself. Or how I wish others to see me! Yet coping with these embarrassments has shown me something about...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Aug 19, 20234 min read
A Hole in my Bucket
Our media portray adventure-filled, best-seats-in-the-house lifestyles. We are urged to never let go of our dreams. Yet, this can be the...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Jul 14, 20236 min read
Think you'll live forever?
Sufi master Uwais was asked "How do you feel?" He replied, "Like one who has risen in the morning and does not know if he will be dead in...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Jun 18, 20234 min read
3 ways to let go into freedom
As a young woman, I saw myself as someone who did not get angry, imagining that I was the kind, caring person I wished to be. I could...
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