Goodies. And Baddies.
This does not tend to feature in the marketing of mindfulness! I was so cross when I received that email! It was the latest salvo in a...
Goodies. And Baddies.
An unexpected Gift
Is there a right kind of attention?
Grace: the art of receiving love
On being non-judgmental
*Not* pursuing pleasure
PreCrastination: what is it and what’s the problem?
Confidence, Certainty, Vulnerability
How to Face Discomfort – and why it matters
Goals, Intentions, Acceptance
A Big Fat 'Yes'
Does Compassion Fatigue You?
Who do I think I am?
A Hole in my Bucket
Think you'll live forever?
3 ways to let go into freedom
One mindful superpower we rarely talk about
Between Tasks. Between Thoughts.
7 Aspects of Self-Compassion
In Praise of Boredom