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Annie Akasati McAuley
May 20, 20234 min read
One mindful superpower we rarely talk about
Many years ago, a wise farmer had a trusty stallion. The horse was invaluable for the heavy work around the farm. But one day someone...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Apr 14, 20234 min read
Between Tasks. Between Thoughts.
Life is made up of events. There are big events: a new job; the birth of a child; a special holiday. Then there are everyday events. Work...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Mar 17, 20236 min read
7 Aspects of Self-Compassion
From schooldays onward, there is encouragement for us to be kind to others. But what about being kind and understanding to ourselves? Is...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Feb 20, 20233 min read
In Praise of Boredom
A few years ago, I was on a meditation retreat in North Wales. It was winter: wet, windy and dark. Fields had become quagmires. There was...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Jan 25, 20233 min read
Pleasure, goodness, richness, contentment
What makes for a good life, and how to achieve it, has been debated throughout the centuries. Most people agree that happiness -...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Nov 20, 20224 min read
Bounce back, bounce forward?
If you squeeze a tennis ball, it loses its round shape. But as soon as you let go, it bounces back to a perfect sphere. When someone...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Oct 22, 20224 min read
A Personal Energy Crisis
As the energy crisis bites, I am navigating a parallel process. I need to learn to better manage my own energy. Following a Covid-19...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Aug 29, 20225 min read
What my legs told me
My grandfather survived four years in the trenches, which was very unusual. Only a tiny percentage of the men who were there in 1914...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Aug 19, 20224 min read
Meditation is to the mind as washing is to the body
Meditation can be seen as a way to keep the mind fresh and healthy in the same way that we wash regularly to keep the body fresh and...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Jul 3, 20223 min read
4 nourishing downtime activities
I like a good screen drama as much as anyone. I enjoy reading novels and non-fiction too. However, sometimes I wonder if I really want to...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Jun 20, 20225 min read
3 ways towards wiser choices
I had decided to try taking cold showers in the mornings for the good of my health. But now I stood in the bathroom with the cold water...

Annie Akasati McAuley
May 19, 20223 min read
Pause, aware, reframe, savour
How easy it is to become lost in our busy lives! I’d like to share with you something of my recent experience with Covid. Finally, it had...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Apr 12, 20224 min read
Did Socrates ever do anything stupid?
We easily assume that wisdom is possessed only by a few 'special' people and that those we believe to be wise are fully so. If their...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Mar 23, 20223 min read
Talking the talk to walk the walk
Meditation is an exploration of your inner world: at root, a private affair. Even when meditating with others, as we sit quietly with our...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Feb 16, 20223 min read
Bias and Belonging
As a teenager, I yearned for belonging - to find my tribe. Moving to a senior school where I hardly knew anyone had been tough....

Annie Akasati McAuley
Jan 12, 20223 min read
The Case for Imperfection
Is your life is all neatly sorted out? Perhaps it is more of a work-in-progress, but do you have a notion of the perfect life that could...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Dec 14, 20214 min read
Drive, drive, drive?
OK, I admit it! My Fitbit has ruled my life since it burst into my life two years ago on Christmas day. Maybe you don’t have a Fitbit,...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Nov 15, 20214 min read
Interoception (what?)
Even if you've never heard of interoception, it's something you have done every day of your life: sensing the internal state of your...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Oct 5, 20214 min read
Mindfulness? Or Bodyfulness?
"I stand in awe of my body" Henry David Thoreau Try this thought experiment: what would change if we approached the practice of...

Annie Akasati McAuley
Sep 14, 20214 min read
5 ways to roll with uncertainty
Photo by Taylor Deas-Melesh on Unsplash You bumped into an old friend when you were least expecting to: cue joyful surprise. You felt...
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